
High Altitude Hard Boiled Eggs


  • One dozen (12) organic eggs, preferably 10-14 days old


  1. Set eggs on counter 10-15 minutes before you intend to cook them. Cold eggs straight from the fridge are more likely to crack when you’re cooking them.
  2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. (Make sure you have enough water to cover the eggs completely and that the pot is big enough for the eggs to be in a single layer.)
  3. Using a large spoon, slowly and carefully lower the eggs down into the boiling water. Cook eggs for 15 minutes. Turn burner off and let eggs sit another 3 minutes.
  4. Drain off the hot water and add cold water to cover the eggs. I let the water cold water run a minute or two over the eggs before taking them out of the pan and letting them cool completely back in the egg carton.
  5. Store cooled eggs in the refrigerator.