
Sautéed Veggie Breakfast Bagel Sandwich


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 medium yellow onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 small zucchini, thinly sliced
  • 1 small yellow squash
  • 1 small garlic clove, minced
  • 2 roma tomates, sliced
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 bagels
  • butter
  • cream cheese


  1. In a small cast iron skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onions and turn heat to medium-low, cooking for 9-10 minutes until softened and starting to brown.
  2. Turn heat up to medium and add sliced zucchini and yellow squash. Sauté about 5 minutes until squash is starting to brown and soften. Add garlic and cook 1 minute more.
  3. Add tomatoes with 1-2 minutes left of cooking so that they don’t over cook and break apart. Season the veggies with salt and pepper. Remove from heat and let sit while you toast bagels.
  4. Cut bagels in half and toast until lightly browned. Give a light smear of butter and cream cheese (no judging here). Top each bagel with half of the sautéed veggies and enjoy!