Everything Bagel Parmesan Popcorn
Yep. I did it. I made the most epic, lick-your-fingers, over the top, delicious popcorn ever created. I love popcorn. I love parmesan cheese. And I love everything bagel seasoning. I combined them all and this Everything Bagel Parmesan Popcorn is the bomb!!
I read a Mother’s Day article over the weekend that really struck home. I don’t remember the exact title but the gist was that sometimes our worst parenting might just be our best moments. I know, I know. Say what? How can our worst moments be our best?
The author asked adults what their best memories of their moms were when they were growing up. One woman said she loved when her mom would make “picnic dinners” for her and her siblings and they’d get to eat in front of the TV. Apparently her mom would gather easy to grab fruits, snacks from the pantry, and a can of soda for each of the kids and she’d let them eat in front of the tv which was generally a no-no in their household. However when the author interviewed the mom she was mortified that her daughter remembered those dinners let alone loved them. She was a single mom and had so much guilt over those picnic dinners. She resorted to them on the nights she just didn’t have the energy to put dinner on the table and being a mom was just too much.
I remember a period of time when I was in Jr. High that we ordered pizza every Thursday night. It went on for months and even today I look back on that as one of my fondest memories. It was rare that we’d all sit down together but the pizza would be on the table and we could grab and go. I’ll bet if you ask my mom she’ll tell you otherwise. You see, my mom went back to school when I was in elementary school and eventually got a Masters in teaching. She and and my dad worked full time and they juggled raising three kids and our bazillion after school activities. Pizza on Thursdays wasn’t a treat. It was my mom’s way of surviving working full time and raising a family.
Now that I’m a mom myself, I can’t help but wonder what my kids will look back on and see as something happy and memorable when often times I’m just faking my way through parenting and beating myself up for not being good enough. I wish I could find the article- I searched to no avail- because there were a handful of examples where kids thought their parents were at their best when the parents thought they were at their worst. It’s funny this parenting thing. I guess all we can do is our best- even when it’s our worst- and love the crap out of our kiddos.
I can tell you this much though- I’m totally making popcorn for dinner next week.
photos by Kellie Hatcher/ recipe by Mountain Mama Cooks
Everything Bagel Parmesan Popcorn
Yield: 10 cups 1x
A savory popcorn with parmesan cheese and everything bagel seasoning!
- 10 cups popped popcorn
- 4 tablespoons melted butter
- 1/4 cup finely grated parmesan cheese
- 2 tablespoons everything bagel seasoning
- pinch of kosher salt
- Place popcorn in large bowl.
- Drizzle with melted butter.
- Sprinkle with parmesan cheese, everything bagel seasoning, and kosher salt; toss to combine.
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