The Goods

It kills me that it’s been so warm. Rumor has it snow is in the forecast so crossing my fingers, doing my snow dance and praying to the snow gods that it’s true. Living in a ski town when it’s too warm to snow is getting old. Please, Mama Nature, bring up some fluffy stuff!!

I had this salad at a blogger get together earlier this week and it was awesome! Like I can’t stop thinking about it.
THIS is happening for dinner this weekend. Sunday to be exact!
Be still my sweet-savory loving heart, THESE look amaze-balls. Breakast, dinner or both!
St. Paddy’s done right. And in the slow cooker, no less! For reals, the best looking Corned Beef and Cabbage I’ve seen!
Because I’m a sucker for any kind of Greek salad, this version looks so healthy and beautiful!
And what round up would be complete with out something sweet? Drooling over these sandwich cookies. ps- they’re gluten free!
This is hands down my favorite hand cream. I actually ordered some just before the holidays but a certain naughty puppy *ahem, Nacho* decided it would make an awesome afternoon snack.
Speaking of hydrating, I have a new-to-me lotion. It smells wonderful and it’s super moisturizing too.
Love when I can find my favorite swimsuit brand on sale at TJ Maxx. Can say ruched in all the right places?!
I’m not big on bottled salad dressing but after sampling this dressing at my local Whole Foods last month, I’m smitten. It’s the BEST packaged salad dressing I’ve ever had. Seriously.
I joined a bookclub a few months ago and so far I’m digging it We’re only on month three but it’s kind of cool to read something I might not normally. I’m just over halfway through THIS book and loving it.
Because you can never have enough cookbook recommendations, THIS (so freaking gorgeous) and THIS (haven’t made anything yet that wasn’t amazing) are what I’m currently digging on right now. Both awesome sauce in their own right.
I took a mini break from Pinterest but have been all over it as of late. I’ve been trying hard to meal plan and my dinner time board has been serving as inspiration for new-to-me dinner ideas.
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone and thanks for reading! xo, Kelley
1 Comment
Hey, thanks for the shout-out! Hope you enjoy it.