Denver Omelet Breakfast Burritos
These lightened up breakfast burritos are made with a combo of whole eggs + egg whites, my favorite whole grain wraps from Toufayan, sautéed local bell peppers, green onions and because I had to….American cheese…it’s a guilty pleasure of mine. These Denver Omelet Breakfast Burritos are the perfect make ahead breakfast (you can freeze them!) and they heat up beautifully with minimal effort the morning of.
The breakfast grind: Only second to the dinner grind in Casa de Epstein. Doesn’t matter how much we do to prepare the night before, me and my crew seem to have our fair share of rushed and hectic mornings. Misplaced shoes, lost homework, no milk or *gasp* coffee, we have too many mornings where I’m scrambling to get the kids and dog fed while they’re nonchalantly playing ball and wrestling instead of getting dressed and ready for school. Reality bites sometimes.
For those of you that know me, you know all too well that it’s not pretty when I lose my cool. I have zero tolerance for pokiness and I go from zero to hot pretty darn quick. Try as I might, I’m just not that good at hiding my impatience. Queue my kiddos because, you know, parenting and impatience go so well together. Parenting has been the ultimate lesson in learning to temper my attitude because kids = pokiness, pokiness = a freaked out Mountain Mama, and a freaked out Mountain Mama = chaos for all. Welcome to the majority of our mornings.
All I can say is thank God for coffee and not being above putting a nip of Baileys in it. Because Baileys + coffee = a slightly less freaked out Mountain Mama.
I’m all about making things easier on us in the mornings and brainstorming how I can make that happen. I might be impatient and bitchy but I’m also solution oriented so let’s figure out to make things easier on all of us. We’ve started laying our clothes out the night before, packing backpacks and having them by the door so their ready to roll, and I’m prepping the coffee so I all I have to do is hit start when I roll out of bed! I still don’t pack lunches until the morning of but perhaps it’s time to start doing that the night before as well. Any other ideas? I’m open to just about anything at this point! My kids thank you in advance.
We all know breakfast is super important to start your day and I don’t ever let my kids leave the house without a well rounded meal in their belly. (Even amidst all the chaos, breakfast happens.) I’m all about smoothies, oatmeal, scrambled eggs + toast. Something substantial, you know? While I’m so focused on getting the kids fed and out the door, too many times I forget to feed myself. How does that even happen? Seriously, who forgets to feed themselves? But I digress. The only thing worse than an impatient Mountain Mama in the morning is a hungry and impatient Mountain Mama. WATCH OUT WORLD. So making sure I’m fed too is high on my list.
I have seen numerous make ahead breakfast burritos floating around the web- especially with back to school in full effect- so I busted these Denver Omelet Breakfast Burritos out a few weeks ago to transition us through the move and have as a fallback on those busy mornings. All I have is toaster oven right now so these have been perfect. You could easily use whatever ingredients you wanted. I’m a fan of Denver omelets so I went with sliced deli ham, bell peppers and American Cheese- it’s a classic combo and hard to go wrong. I used a combo of eggs + egg whites- again, just my preference- and made two burritos with Toufayan classic white wraps (for the mr.) and two with Toufayan’s multigrain wraps (for me). Both delicious if you’re wondering!
I’m not going to tell you these burritos make the mornings any smoother but at least I’m getting fed and that’s a step in the right direction. Plus they go awesome with a cup of Bailey’s spiked coffee.
ps- These Denver Omelet Breakfast Burritos are Nacho approved. Would you just look at that face? I die.
Denver Omelet Breakfast Burritos
Yield: 4 breakfast burritos 1x
- 4 whole eggs
- 6 egg whites
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 1 large bell pepper, diced
- 2 scallions, diced
- salt and pepper
- 4 slices American cheese
- 4 Toufayan wraps
- Beat eggs and egg whites in a small bowl; set aside.
- In a large sauté pan, heat butter over medium heat. Add diced bell pepper and diced scallions. Sauté for 3-5 minutes until peppers and onion are soft. Add beaten eggs and cook, over medium-low heat, until eggs are just set and cooked. Remove eggs from pan and let cool to room temperature before assembling the wraps.
- Make 4 pieces of foil (large enough to wrap the burritos up) and place them on the counter. Put one tortilla on each foil square and then one piece of American cheese in the center of each tortilla. Divide the egg mixture between the 4 wraps. Wrap the tortillas up so all the ends are wrapped up tight. Wrap the burritos in the foil. At this point you can heat the burritos straight away or you can put the individually wrapped breakfast burritos in a large ziplock to store in the freezer.
- To reheat the burritos, take straight from the freezer and place into a toaster oven (set to 350F degrees) for 20 minutes. Alternatively you could wrap the burritos in plastic an reheat in the microwave.
Thank you to Toufayan for sponsoring this post and to YOU for reading and supporting the companies that I chose to partner with. It allows me to bring unique and new content and create recipes around products that I truly love and use in my own kitchen.
Great idea! I will be sure to try them. Even though we are now 6 adults living together, the mornings are still hectic with everyone trying to get ready, eat breakfast, have showers, pack lunches, etc. I will definitely make some of them vegetarian by leaving out the ham, maybe adding some sliced mushrooms.
As far as morning suggestions go, our routine was no tv in the morning, or video games, as kids can get so caught up that they forget what they are supposed to be doing. Also, nobody got out of their pjs till after breakfast, to avoid spilling breakfast on your clothes and then having to change again.
Oh my…I made these and they were awesome. I even saved a couple and took them for brunch at work the next day.
Please come back! We miss you!
Awe…thanks, Holly! I’m slowly but surely making my way back. Promise!