The Goods

The Goods | #thegoods

I think we can all remember what we we were doing the morning of, 13 years ago. I was wake boarding with my boyfriend (now husband) on a gorgeous sunny morning on Lake Powell and the only thought running through my head was how fortunate I was. How fortunate I was to be in the middle of nowhere with the person I loved. How fortunate I was to be healthy and pushing my body to do the things that it craves. How fortunate I was to be living and breathing some of Mother Nature’s best work. I was on a houseboat trip in the middle of Lake Powell with no cell service, no access to the internet, a newspaper or the news. I was oblivious to the days events. I think of that day often and how surreal it was (and still is) to be completely oblivious to an event that was so huge, so life changing, spreading fear and anger through households like wildfire and I was wake boarding. I wouldn’t change that morning for anything. I used to feel guilty that I wasn’t at home on my couch watching it all unfold. Now I’m thankful. I hope it doesn’t sound like ignorance but I’m glad that I can look back and remember the beauty in the midst of so much ugly. The silver lining in something that seems to have no silver. That morning is a constant reminder that life is precious. And often too short. We can ask why all day long and never come up with the answers. My choice is charge on. Spreading love and light wherever and whenever I can. To all the families and friends that lost someone, I send each of you a special prayer today and share my love and light with each and everyone of you. We will never forget.

The Goods | #thegoods

Last weekend, my husband and I celebrated 11 years of marriage and I can’t think of a better partner to navigate this life with. He’s my soul mate, parter-in-crime, the most loving husband, carefree dad and resident stuntman. Happy, happy Babe! xo

I want this for lunch and these to go on the side. Like now.


This soup. My fave.

Holding onto summer one glass at a time.

The Goods | #thegoods

A birds eye view from the back of my car as seen by my 7-year old. My hair is always in a top bun (though he told me I look prettier when I wear it down), the ever constant pile of stuff in the passenger seat- this time a sweatshirt, reusable grocery bags and a rain jacket. Plus a bright colored straw poking out of my smoothie- it’s the little things that make me happy.

Now that I’m a professional Etsy troller, I want these and like 3 of these. Someone put a hold on my paypal account. It’s just too easy.

Just ordered the boys snow boots for the winter and I *might* have ordered myself a pair too but only because I have them in brown and they’re the bomb. And I got an additional 35% off the already sale price. Totally justifying to my readers and feel like I’ve just hit an all-time low. BUT!!! Best deals I’ve seen yet!

The Goods | #thegoods

I’m digging on the homemade bone broths lately. Not to use in soups but to sip on throughout the day. Bone broths are gut healing, great for the nervous system and provide numerous health benefits. This one lived in my slow cooker for 20 hours. It’s rich, savory and pretty much the bomb.

This should brighten your day.

For my fellow boy moms: number 10. #thatisall

Uh, I’m only guilty of 1, 4, 5, and 12.


Really? My baby girl all wrapped up in a cozy blanket? The work of her two-legged brothers and I’m pretty sure she was loving it.

Have a great day, everyone and be well! xo